Release v8.45: Improved Liquid-Liquid Equilibria Capabilities |
5 January 2025 |
We improved the stability check of the Liquid-Liquid (LL) flash calculations and added support for LLE Cape-Open Property Packages such that Liquid-Liquid eXtraction columns (LLX) can acquire their properties via cape-open calls.
The LLX columns now perform a density calculation on all the feeds to assign them as either a light or a heavy phases.
Other improvements include the drawing of column internals in the panel of the operation, as well as icons on flowsheets for didactic purposes.
We increased the number of points that can be computed in the parametric study option and we added new compounds in our libraries with Pure Component Data (PCD).
Minor fixes include improvements for the phase diagrams and for the UMR methods as well as updated PCD data.
Release v8.44: Maintenance update |
3 March 2024 |
This version of ChemSep has improvements for the handling of more than six different functional groups per molecule.
Total Reflux columns can now be dropped onto COCO flowsheets. The Interface can read X-files for a quick setup of a new simulation.
Plots can be saved as SVG files. PCDman can read Stenutz information from the web and can load/save component list files (CLF) and various
compressed formatted files (e.g. xlsx files). Finally, various Tall oil compounds, Pyridines, Anisoles, Chloro-compounds to our PCD libraries.
Release v8.41: Easy and Fast Dividing Wall Column Setup |
23 July 2023 |
ChemSep LITE 8v41 extends the number of predefined divided wall columns (DWCs) and we added a new, simple pressure specification for that makes setting up a DWC simulation a breeze compared to other commercial tools. We also improved the Matthias-Copeman (MC) parameters for all compounds in our libraries. This will significantly enhance the performance of the PPR78, PSRK, and UMR-SRK Equations of State.
For the UMR-PR all new parameters were determined, which now reside in its own library file mc-pr.lib.
Editing PSRK and NIST UNIFAC groups is now supported, as well as entering up to 12 groups per molecule.
Furthermore, our binary phase diagrams for Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium are improved and now feature an export to the Veusz drawing tool for producing diagrams ready for publishing.
Finally, missing alkanal compounds were added to our PCD libraries.
ChemSep v8.25 Update |
17 February 2021 |
This mainenance update mainly provides corrections e.g. for the PSRK and PPR78, as well as bug fixes e.g. for the exergy production in case of split feeds.
Furthermore, loading of components from multiple PCD-libraries doesn't hamper the component selection and filtering anymore.
Column program output while solving was made to become more concise and we added the fitting of LLE as a new feature (latest revision is 8v26 on 25 April 2021).
ChemSep v8.20 Dividing Wall Columns with Multiple Condensers/Reboilers |
24 March 2020 |
This new release
expands the type of configurations for our Dividing Wall Columns (DWCs). We also added expander and compressor flash calculations.
The loading of thermodynamic model parameters was automated and takes plase while components are selected or a different model is chosen.
We added property diagrams where the user can plot different thermodynamic as well as physcial properties as function of T, p, composition.
Various updates are included for the UNIFAC and modified UNIFAC activity coefficient models as well as the PSRK and Predictive Peng-Robinson 78 Equations of State.
The fitting of Group Interaction Parameters was improved, allowing the fitting of multiple Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) data sets simultaneously.
Also the binary VLE diagrams allow the reading of data from the comments field and to pick specific data sets for viewing.
Several new compounds were added to our databases to handle some new example flowsheets that were added.
Total Annualized Cost calculations were added and can be made available as Cape-Open parameters on the flowsheet level.
Modeling Liquid maldistribution |
31 May 2019 |
At the 2019 Spring AIChE meeting Ross Taylor presented
"Simulating Maldistributiion in Packed Columns".
In this paper we review the literature on simulating packed columns with maldistribution.
We then show how easily the ChemSep Parallel Column Model for DWCs may be used to describe maldistribution in packed columns and show how our results match the obtained results of earlier papers.
We found a simple bed effectiveness approximation that allows the design of packed beds that are robust for the effects of liquid maldistribution.
We illustrate with a practical example involving the design of acommercial scaleArgon column (from an air separation plant) with structured packing.
ChemSep v8.11 Stream Curves |
4 January 2019 |
We released an update of ChemSep LITE 8v1
with stream curves as new feature, which allow calculation of heating/cooling curves
for heat exchanger design (or deeper analysis). Any internal stream can be used, so that the condenser/reboilers can be handled.
Furthermore, Matthias-Copeman EOS parameters can be fitted and we improved the extrapolation for CpIG to very high temperatures
(e.g. 10000 K). We sped up the loading of large sep-file and fixed various bugs.
ChemSep receives the CO-LaN Award for 2017 at the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting |
October 2018 |
At the CAPE-OPEN 2018 Annual Meeting ChemSep was awarded the
CO-LaN Award for 2017 for the the sustained and long-lasting involvement of ChemSep with CAPE-OPEN.
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